● Town Council meetings are conducted pursuant to Roberts Rules of Order with
the Town Attorney serving as the parliamentarian.
● Voting to amend a meeting agenda or to suspend rules of the body shall be by a
majority vote of the quorum present for the meeting.
● An agenda for meetings of the Town Council shall be prepared and made available
to the public, at no charge, at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to any meeting by posting
it on the Town Council’s website or on a site, social media or otherwise, where the agenda
may be found. Physical copies of the agenda will be available at Town Hall.
● At the beginning of each regular or special-called meeting of the Town Council,
before voting on any actionable items excluding the minutes, the Town Council shall
reserve a time for ‘Public Comments’.
● Citizens of the Town of White Bluff shall be permitted to make public comments
pursuant to this Procedure as adopted by the Town Council. All public comments shall
be germane to the item(s) on the agenda for the meeting.
● Any citizen wishing to make public comments must be present at the meeting.
● The Town Council shall provide a sign-in sheet for citizens (as described below)
to indicate a desire to make public comments at the meeting. The sign-in sheet will be
made available in the entranceway to the meeting room not less than 15 minutes prior to
the meeting start time, and sign-ins must be made prior to the time established for the
meeting to start.
● Public comments will be limited to a total of thirty (30) minutes. The chair shall
determine the amount of time each citizen will have to deliver public comments based
upon the number of citizens who sign up, up to a maximum of five (5) minutes per citizen.
● The sign-in sheet for public comments shall be delivered to the chair of the meeting
at the time established for commencement of the meeting and shall conduct the public
comments section of the agenda by calling each citizen (if any) who signed up to the
podium for said citizen to provide his or her public comments on agenda item(s).
● No comments from the public will be permitted outside of the public comments
section or an applicable public hearing.
● During the public comment period, there will be no discussion by or among the
members of the governmental body conducting the meeting in response to the public
comments, as the time allotted is specifically and solely for the citizen to provide public
comments to the Town Council.
● The Town Council is committed to conducting the business of the Town of White
Bluff in an orderly, professional manner at all times.
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